By Carlos Molina

Hi friends. Today´s article is really short, but is to let you know of the new version of the API 653 exam Simulator. This 2.0 Version has 100 questions total, an improvement of 52 from the previous version. The new simulator has some bug fixes from the former one, given that it did convert percentages to decimal points, an issue we discovered late.


This version still has to improve, and I promise that I will make my best to update it within a week to the subscribers of my blog. I have to improve the result screen and allow the user to go back to solve the test. Remember that I have a dayjob and little time, jeje.

What is the objective of this simulator? To get you accustomed to the test environment, mimicking the conditions of the actual exam. As far as I know, this simulator is one of its kind.

I took special consideration to the fact that some 70% of questions in the actual exam are from the API 653 standard, so the most of the questions in this simulator were taken from API 653. By the other side, there are new questions that aren´t in my questions series.

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Thanks and good study.

By Carlos Molina

What should you do in order to pass the API 653 exam? Well, you should read the standards well ahead, choose and write down the most questions and answers you can, and, if possible, take the course to reinforce knowledge. Regarding the Q&A´s, you should revisit them regularly using an spaced repetition software. 

The following 50 questions were extracted from the standards by me, or remembered by me or other students that took the exam before.

The format is a Q&A one, different from the multiple choice question format from other courses I have seen online. I prefer this method because it takes away all the clutter that leads to confusion when treating these standards. I advise you to copy this info and paste it in a spaced repetition software like Anki or Supermemo, as the Q&A format allows, and start studying right away.  You could choose to print flashcards too. When days pass by, you will see who you remember all of the information with no problem.


1. Q: What is the minimum thickness for a tank floor plate with no means for leak detection or secondary containment if an RBI program is not in place?

A: 0,1 inches Ref: Table 4.4 API 653

Don´t hesitate to keep reading if you are studying for the API 653 exam, as there is a downloadable  for you.
