By Eng. Carlos Molina

To download 52 questions for your own study, based in SOIL and CAUSTIC corrosion in the API 571 RP, click here

Both DM ares listed in the API 571 RP under the “Uniform or Localized Loss of Thickness” (more…)

By Carlos F Molina

In this article we will be talking more on the subject of radiology in the ASME V code

NOTE: This article is half of what originally was intended to be. It turns out that, as usual, good research takes a lot of time and as consequence, articles end up being longer and not reader-friendly.  So I trimmed out the info and I am resizing with the info needed by API 653 readers.

There is 1 characteristic of a good radiograph that you should control:


By Carlos F Molina

Today´s artice is about hydrostatic testing in tanks. In my workplace, it became a common ocurrence for the people to say that “the hydrostatic test in a tank is just a tightness test”. Some gals say that “the most important thing to do with hydrostatic testing is settlement measurement”. This illustrates that not everybody understands hydrostatic testing fully.

In this article, we will see how the hydrostatic test is made for various types of tanks and which parts of a tank are evaluated with an hydrostatic test. (more…)

By Carlos F Molina

To professionals all around the industry, I am here to present you a problem. We have  shortage of personnel for our industry. The average age of a welder in the USA is 55; the wave of coming retirements will leave manufacturers at a disadvantage. The American Welding Society estimates that by 2020 there will be a shortage of 290,000 professionals, including inspectors, engineers, and teachers. “We’re dealing with a lost generation”, they say (link)


By Carlos F Molina

Hi. This is the final installment of these series of articles containing the 27 variables that a SMAW WPS should contain (other proccesses have different essential variables). Here we will consider variables 19 to 27 that should be given a value in a WPS, according to ASME IX. This is written for the basic level, for the person that is studying for the API 653 exam. (more…)

By Carlos F Molina

Hi again. I hope you have found my last post useful. Here is the continuation of it: variables 13 to 18 that should be given a value in a WPS, according to ASME IX.


wps smaw positions

13. QW-405.1 The addition of other welding positions than those already qualified. see QW-120, QW-130, QW-203, and Qw-303.

A common mistake made by beginners is to think that the position chosen for procedure qualification limits the position of the production weld. In fact, qualifying a procedure in any welding position approves all positions providing no impact tests are required. Weld position is a non-essential variable.
